The Immigrant Song

'Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists. —Franklin D. Roosevelt'

The answer to the world's problems?
The concept of immigration is a touchy and blistered subject, ever ready to burst and cover the brave soul who poked at it with foul pus. 

From Syrian refugees to Mexican border crossers, immigrants are far from welcomed these days, especially in the countries they so desperately want to integrate into. Margaret Thatcher reportedly told Bob Carr, Australian Foreign minister that Australia might end up like Fiji, where the Indian immigrants 'have taken over'. 

However, it is not just Conservative British Prime Ministers who hold this sentiment; one can even go so far as to say it is an inherent characteristic of human society to dislike (with varying degrees) people who 'want in'. 

There is of course the almost neo-classical theory that immigrants come to steal our jobs.
I'd personally like to disagree with this statement. If we look at a case study of immigrants from Poland to the UK, we might actually find that these immigrants are hugely beneficial to British society. First of all, let us consider the socioeconomic stratus of these immigrants. Most are young, single, men, between the ages of 18-30. What does this mean for the economy? 

Well, it simply means that contrary to popular belief, they do not bring hordes of children to clog up schools with poor English, but instead do not claim or at least do not receive child welfare payments. Since these men are usually employed, notably in the manufacturing industry, they still do pay taxes. This contributes to the economy! Also, many of them are in fact, 'boomerang migrants', which mean they work for a while, save up enough money and LEAVE. Plus, migrants in the lower skilled set, the people people talk about when saying they steal our jobs, typically only do the jobs no 'native-born' person would want to do.

So, please, before you belittle anyone, take the time to think through your arguments. And maybe sing the 'Immigrant Song' .

xoxoxoxo, unknown_girl2345


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