DO IT FOR THE LOLZ: When we plan for the future

 "Do it for the LOLZ"/"SAME".- UNKNOWN_GIRL2345

“The rate at which a person can mature is directly proportional to the embarrassment he can tolerate.” – Douglas Engelbart

If I had a penny for the times I embarrassed myself or my friends, I think I'd be as rich as ...Donald Trump is likely to be voted Feminist of the Year. I mean, seriously, guys, it's a penny! 

Then again, it is me! *que the dramatic music*

Rightyho, now onto the serious talk! Ugh, I so do dread the serious talks in life. I have no ability to separate my emotions from topics which I talk endlessly about, and if I am coincidentally emotionally distraught about something, then you can be sure that I'll be nattering about it endlessly.

The major party pooper of recent has been education. I have decided to pursue an Economics-related degree at university, preferably in the UK. My AS levels are Maths, Further Maths, Economics and History. *there, feels like a load is off my chest already* As of now, it looks like I am swinging towards straight economics and then taking the ACCA/ICAEW to become an accountant. 

I absolutely adore all my subjects; its such a relief from pretending I enjoyed wanting to study Medicine. I'd always felt like such a failure if I didn't become a doctor, as if all the hard work my parents put into educating me was a farce. Now, I realise that the world isn't always black and white: and certainly, medicine isn't the only way forward, or to a good job, or even one that I would enjoy. 

One of the things that I particularly enjoy about an economics degree is the sheer breadth of it- it ranges from behavioural/'essay' economics to quantitive , which provide equal respites to each other. Plus, I actually think I might enjoy accounting since it incorporates my innate inability to tear myself away from a laptop with my need for structure and routine as well as maths *cough cough, job security anyone?*

IDEK why I am writing all of this down, except perhaps that it offers me solace and comfort in mapping out the murky waters of the future. Even as I do, I realise that humans can only plan and plot and draw arcs and axes but in the end, it is God who decides. All the same, a little consideration wouldn't hurt anyone. 
Economics Personal Statement from Collegelah
So far, list of universities I want to apply to:

1)University of Cambridge
2) LSE
5)Queen Mary's University of London
Tomorrow will probably entail some catching up to do with Economics and probably trying to write some History essays.

Time to go to bed, my fellow NERDICUSES
xoxoxo, unknown_girl2345


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