For a change, a fairly light hearted post.

I am going home!!! (Obviously can't say where because there is no such thing as privacy on the Internet) :)

Since I do go to a boarding school, let's call it Eastwood Prep, or EP for short, I do miss home a lot. And my oftentimes annoying siblings*jokes*, one brother and one sister. EP is great ; I really love the friends I have there and the competitive atmosphere is quite inspiring. (FYI, I am studying A-Levels at EP: Maths, Further Maths, History and Economics)

It is also about that time of the year when one considers what path of life to take (from my tiresome, countless posts about what to do for a degree, gosh I am annoying but please forgive me). Scholarships also play a big part in what I want to do and they are so important!! 


Scholarship 3 XD
Securities Commissions Scholarship
I appreciate that having a good family is amazing but when your aunt graduated from Oxford as a doctor, and your cousin graduated with a Law degree from LSE and another cousin got into Cambridge for engineering (I think)- really you become quite pressured. There was always this expectation in the background of my mind, to ACHIEVE and achieve and ACHIEVE. 

It is a good thing, and I think that's why I fit into EP quite well *knock on wood* because I genuinely like hard work and striving to achieve things. (Have you heard of a Passion Planner? I think it sounds quite fun and motivational. I shall put a link in (La Passion Planner

Now I feel guilty because I was actually supposed to be studying hard for my History and Maths exams :( as well as Economics. Never mind, I shall do it now (maybe when I get back home, in the comfort of my own room)

I just bought 3 Economics revision books and a notepad, and okay ttyl, the mother is mad. Bye..


  1. you could have at least said who introduced the passion planner to you... bitch


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