OMG! BREAKING NEWS : It's Israel & The-tom

Ok, so if it hasn't been made obvious, although I think it is pretty obvious, I am a left-winger. What does this mean?? Quite a Nice explanation

Yeah, this generally means I wouldn't support anything remotely related to Donald Trump/ Republicans (for you Americans :) ) or for a matter of fact, anything Israeli. 

If a country itself should be so blatantly right-wing, I think the award should go to Israel. And yet I do not condemn Israel. Or rather, I do condemn its actions especially in Palestine, but I think I am free from prejudice about Israelis in general or Jews. 

Most people, particularly in Asia mistake anti-Israel sentiments for anti-semitism. It is a most dangerous mistake. 

But, back to the BREAKING NEWS bit. So my senior- let's call him Tom, recently defended a certain local celebrity for selling hijabs to Israelis. This made me infinitely more interesting to me. Think how a guy with a girlfriend would be infinitely more interesting to Haley from Modern Family, although mine is definitely platonic. By the way, Alex is definitely very relatable to me in that she's a nerd of the highest order who loves math? She's probably going to go to Caltech though and that is probably not me. (I hate physics. Seriously. With a passion)

Anyway, yes, Tom was defending Neelofar for selling a headscarf to Israelis. What is the problem you ask? Well, simply the fact that there is NONE. But as usual, the Malaysian media had many, MANY, MANY problems with that. Aside from the fact that I risk this senior finding my blog in which case I would certainly be mortified, I can see no reason why I should not directly quote from his blog. So I will.

So here it is

The usual eloquence one would expect of someone who got excepted into Cambridge for Economics. The only person to get excepted into Oxbridge for Economics ( the rest were all lawyers XD) He's a regular star at our school; the whole 'intelligent-charming-debater-abrasive-but-good-intentions-schtick' and let me tell you, it really sells.

If you ever wanted a pop culture reference to 'Tom', you should watch this. Rohan Patel is almost exactly like Tom (i.e. they're both Indian) but he's less arrogant and he got accepted pretty much everywhere he applied to. I mean, duh its Tom.

Sometimes being in a school like Eastwood Prep is great and all but it just serves to illustrate how a pressure cooker operates in real life. I think the take-away from all of this is that no matter where you go, there will be bigger fish. No matter what you do, that fish is going to outsize you no matter what. And that's okay. *note Tom could have easily gotten into an Ivy but he didn't send out any US applications because he was content with his LSE offer. He does rub me the wrong way sometimes but this made me realise he might not be the WORST thing of all. Even if people don't think you're the big fish, I think we can all be our own type of fish which really is amazing. People don't want normal people (there is no such thing!) they want slightly zany, wacky and weird people. People with a story to tell that doesn't begin with "My life has turned out great. I'm captain of the football team and my girlfriend just got -" yeah. No.

How about, "So I had a few falls in life. I wasn't perfect, I was selfish. I had low-self esteem. But I came through it. They called me funny girl. I felt pressure to be constantly hitting the low-hanging funny fruit with jokes that were chuckle-worthy but not too sardonic that the common person didn't get. I was having the time of my life, and I hated it." People want honesty. They want Goodfellas chopped up with sautéed onions, between two burger buns; a hearty juicy realism.

They don't want polished caramel ice-cream pints of 'Breakfast at Tiffany's'. BE YOURSELF.

Also, watch my youtube channel. If I ever have one.


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