Mazel Tov, Vitas, Stats &SATs

Mazel Tov, loyal readers! My relatives have come to visit and one of them, Harry (that's not her real name) is married to a Jewish man, I think? Also, I am obsessed with Jewish culture for some absurd reason; I think it has something to do with shared features, a.k.a the disproportionately large noses.

But, moving along, I feel like I must introduce you to Vitas, an absolute legend. The story of how I came about discovering him is quite funny ( WELL did you expect anything different, I mean it's me. :) ) So, basically, one of my best friends from Eastwood Prep tagged me in a Facebook post, with a link to this song- called Opera N2 by Vitas. This is essentially a not-so-subtle reference to when I screamed in the common bathroom in my boarding house. Do I regret it? NO! It was the most therapeutic things I've ever personally experienced; shouting in a public place, that is. I plan on making a parody video of me stepping on a Lego piece to the tune (hard to explain, when you watch the video, read the first comment and you'll understand).

FYI & BTW, I have been exceedingly busy with both SATs and Statistics prep which both have their special place in my heart (read: trash can). Just kidding, or am I? Also, a really annoying person, let's call this person Quinn is really bugging me. I mean talk about Gossip Girl? The worst part is she doesn't even know she's being played by the people she calls friends. This made me feel extremely bad for her but I just feel uncomfortable that whenever she talks to me, it's almost always to talk trash about someone else. Gossip is 'fun' with her for the first time and then it just becomes a draggy, guilt fest where you kind of wish your mom was there to tell her : "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all." (I know, shoot me.) I feel like if there was a meme meant for her, it would definitely be "GIRL YOU NEED SOME JESUS IN YOUR LIFE!"

(I read that like Haysus, in a Spanish accent) That reminded me of one of my favourite seniors when she wrote (read: a fictional newsletter) that talked about her 'achievements' , for example, So-and-so organised a wonderful trip to a nearby orphanage. Uma had brunch and she liked it very much.
Another example: Mr Davis, the head of SenOr school(imagine the wavy spanish accent on the top, geddit, like Senior school but not? I laughed my head off) Yes, Maneesha is very mature.

OKAY, TTYL for now, people! Till then, Mazel tov!



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