Funny Girl directs "'No Exit"

"L 'enfer, c'est les autres"- Sartre

The camera pans in, on an eye. (the eye is black irised, as opaque as possible) I want the eye to blink; sounds of footsteps , high heels. 
Cut to a woman walking the empty corridor (front view)then cut to her walking from side view.

Her phones bleeps, she draws it from her side pocket and breaks into a run. 

*Full Moon - The Black Ghosts*/ 'let me know-silver swans'
the camera follows her , alternating between angles. She reaches the hill outside dorm house. 

It's raining, and she sits down on the hill. Pulls out a map.

*Camera sees the red line she draws on the map. Map labelled with 'dreams' untidy writing'

Zoom on her smile her bag, the grass. 

-she throws out all the things that have held her back. 

*picture of her boyfriend

looks up at sky, bites lip. turns to the sky, camera does 360 around her. she says silent prayer. Mouths the wordS "Thank you" **slow motion**

screen fades to black.



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