#AmericanDream: Applying to College

The nerve wracking process has begun; the choosing of colleges, the long-list of ECAs to drown the observer, the dazzling scores, the judging expressions of seniors/juniors when you tell them:
                      The disbelief. The questioning. The 'can-you-do-it'? The snide comments. I love it! I love the challenge it presents, the addictive college admissions googling; all of it drove me to do better. I hope. I guess it did occur to me to not post the six colleges I wanted to get in to. I mean what if I got rejected by all of them? The shame! But I also realised, there is strength in honesty and transparency. Even if there were rejections (Stanford, I'm looking at you), the number of people who are kind enough to read my blog (I desperately hope) are surely kind enough not to judge. My American Dream.

                      I've dedicated an ode to it. Is ode the right word? (un)Lyrical verse/stunted poetry would be more appropriate.

                       Oh, American Dream. Oh Wu-Tang Clan C.R.E.A.M.
                      Bold and brash, you live life in a flash,

                      If you shut me out, at least you did it with a smile,

                    If you loved another dearer, at least you were open about it.

                    Oh America! Land of the free, *when you pay a small fee*
Written verse, aged curse,
You beautifully biased, you crazy old man, Uncle Sam.
You land of the never-say-die, the land of the yes-we-can.

I think I've fallen in love with you.  You and everything American, everything NEW.

     Guess what?! Tom is going to be there at Sam's CNY open house. I don't know how that's going to turn out. My mother thinks I am in love/ obsessed with him. I shall be going to Penny's house to watch Love Rosie. Not Love, Actually because I am Maneesha.

whittier college

boston u


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