The End of Indecision/Judge Judy/Leslie Chow

'If you are absolutely determined to make a lawyer out of yourself, the thing is more than half done already."- Abraham Lincoln

So totally true

I think I have finally found my calling; after serious deliberation, and a few nervous nail biting episodes, I have settled on pursuing a law degree then becoming a solicitor/barrister  . After this, I intend to become a judge. 

I thought hard about becoming an accountant but how long can one sit pressing a calculator? It's true only the best survive but then again, I really think it runs in my blood. 

I would work myself to the bone if only I was given a chance. As Leslie Chow from the Hangover said, 'He gave me a fighting chance. That's all Chow needs.' I'm sure I would enjoy those torturously long hours writing essays, and slaving over court cases. 

Marshall Eriksen from 'How I Met Your Mother' is probably my role model. It's not going to be easy, certainly not, but then I am prepared. 

You only have one life to live in this human form (or maybe 25 XD) but what is your life worth if you're doing a job you hate. It's fantastically dismal. 

Perhaps no one is ever going to read these random blog posts and for that I might be grateful. How can someone be so fickle-minded, they might cry, looking at the screen. They might pull out their hair and mutter some comment, or even type one out. THAT WOULD BE DISMAL. 

The journey of true love never did run smooth. But then again, never did it run truer.

xooxoxoxo, unknown_girl2345


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