" Chun migozarad baki nist"- A Farsi saying It is okay because this too shall pass. I feel the voice echo in my head, stupidly, bouncing around with absolutely no meaning because I have caused this tragic incident. Kabul before and after. I read this phrase when I was reading the 'Bookseller of Kabul', I think it was inscribed on a teahouse in Kabul. It was an excellent book, one of the kinds that make you realise your life is amazing. Self-reflection upon brown, yellowed pages. Graciousness reigns. Yours, Maneesha
I'm so indescribably happy; it's as if someone has put me on the highest cloud and allowed me to glimpse upon humanity. Somehow, from up here, I can only feel tenderness for how frail and fragile we humans are, and ebullience at how perfect we are. How we can FEEL, and love and hurt and anger and sadden and then gladden our hearts again and again. I can feel the connection between my soul and whoever I am meant to meet, their happiness pumping vibrantly into my own bloodstream. How red and beautiful the union; and suddenly I am aware. Hyperaware of the world. I can almost see the light rays split into the spectrum, is he listening too? Can he hear my heart beating up-down-up-down like I can feel his? A breathtaking moment suspended in time and space, and all the anguish is gone. I love you, I whisper into the air, and I know the wind is carrying these soft words of love to his ears somewhere in the distance. The human heart has felt all this before, and still, every t...
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