New Yoik

New York. *darkness* A  female distinctly  trying to be Brooklyn voice says.
Open to first scene.
Two words, she thinks, pauses and smashes the keys of her MacBook pro. Leans back in her chair, swivels her unlit cigarette in between her fingers.

Savours the feeling, camera pans to her fingers. She lights it and takes long drag.

There is a pause and she looks directly in the camera and blows out. CREDITS APPEAR, Title of film....
*same voice says again, more aggressively: NEW. YORK.

The sound of clicking keys and audience now sees Hong Kong, billions of busy people on their cellphones, walking in a herd. Camera shots of HK skyline, fashion stores, banks, traffic, , people smoking, gangsters threatening people, shopkeepers selling, and finally cut to same  girl buys newspaper in a trench coat from newspaper stand. She walks out carefully, cigarette between her lips, reading the paper. Blends into crowd. Doesn't look at the camera but knows where she is going.
* hair up in bun, lipstick on, high heels, black professional dress, Red Birken H'BAG*
GIRL: Damn it. Every day I pray Im gonna wake up in New York. Just New  York. It's not even Milan. And I end up in Hong Kong every single damn time.

She keeps walking, without looking up once, and reaches an Investment BANK HQ office.
Folds up the paper, tucks it under her arm and looks up with a sigh.

GIRL: I know. *short and preppy* You know, when I was younger, I always thought I was gonna do some good in this world. Human rights, *at this point, she starts walking up the stairs, high heels click-clacking, camera follows her feet, flash to kids in INDIA* Congo *flash to congo*, the  like. *her waving at the crowd in front of the UN next to AMAL CLOONEY, kissing her cheeks, crowd claps*


*Throws cigarette on ground and grinds it in with heel*

Receptionist <mid 40s-50s, Chinese , hair also up in a bun,  blouse> : Hey, lady! You can't do that in here! (in Mandarin) (stands up, says in angry tone) Yeah, you do that everyday! How you think I feel, cleaning up your mess!

GIRL: <Rolls eyes, ignores her, keeps walking past rows of cubicles , with busy workers concentrating on their work>

R: <follows her for a while, still shouts, voice eventually fades into background>

GIRL: <Back to her again, still narrates> Look, I look like an asshole, right? Yeah, I do. *Keeps walking* Look I'm sorry alright.  <apologetic tone> It's just been a pretty shit week, and I found out my boyfriend cheated on me. And guess what? He works right next to me.

<GIRL Reaches her cubicle, plonks down, puts handbag down on table and reaches for the Italian dictionary, pages through the book, finds 'go away' & 'leave me alone' >
GIRL: <GETS UP, LEANS OVER CUBICLE> Hey, Eisenberg! Hey, hey!

E'BERG: <Turns around, stops chatting half-way, free frame> Glasses, Jew-fro, Mark Zuckerberg in Social Network kind of vibe, looks like real Jesse Eisenberg

GIRL: <NARRATES> This is Eisenberg, first name : Tucker, like Trucker without the 'R'. I swear if Google had existed when this dude was born, you would have sworn his parents googled the most 'WASPY' name ever.  Childhood crush, and somehow we both ended up getting the same gig in some fancy pants HK investment firm after UPenn.
 E'BERG: <Unfreezes. Marches up to her> Look, I already told you, you can't keep doing this.
GIRL: <cocks head to side, then STARTS SHOUTING> GET AWAY FROM ME!!! LEAVE ME ALONEEE! CHEATER!!!! <in italian>, waving book vehemently

*people start to stare and whisper, giggle*
BOSS WALKS UP to her cubicle, leaving GIRL, EISENBERG frozen

BOSS: Middle aged man, , Hong-Kong man but educated in America, BD Wong, mild-mannered but has certain gravitas
GIRL: <Shuts up and shifts uncomfortably, evidently embarrassed>
BOSS: <CLAPS HANDS TOGETHER> Well, Annushka! *traces of hong-kong accent mixed with california slang*
GIRL: *smiles nervously and then cringes* Yep, boss?
BOSS: Boy, do I have news for you! *shakes finger at her amicably, totally unaware of the tension between E and GIRL.* Your client called me up yesterday, you remember Mr., eh, Mr., hmm? What's-what's- uh, his, uh, name? *he looks to GIRL*
E'BERG: Yamamoto. <he says tersely, evidently dreading any good news. Over-competitiveness showing.
GIRL: Yeah, Mr Y! He was really great! I just checked and his investment was really growing! I guess that Vietnamese baby-milk startup was a good idea... <trails off, thoughtful, lip jutting out from biting it>
BOSS: Shhhh! That's just it?
EBERG: What is? Wh- what?
GIRL &EBERG <simulataneously> WHAT!
Boss: You got the job in New York! Mr Yamamoto spoke to the BOD in the Big Apple and they agreed! You're going to *breaks into singing* NEWWWWW YORKKKKK!


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