Sincerely, The Jew-ish girl

Okay so basically I have so much to tell you!! I found out that Ling Ling is a jealous and super-fake girl, and her best friend Ursula is also pretty fake. Ling Ling is so extra but she calls me extra? Like waddafk? It's really weird because whenever someone gives me compliments she's always like, "What? It's just(insert denigrating statement here)."

Like today during colour run everyone was complimenting my eyes and Ling Friggin Ling was like, "Oh it's just the sun."

Like, BEYOTCH, the sun don't shine on you coz you repel light. Coz you evil!?

And apparently, Jane told me that Ursula said that I repel dick?? Well, she's super fake and guess who's not going to help her barely pass her homework anymore? Me. That's who.

On the plus side, which was a lot, roomie is back and it is lovely as always to see her and found out that R. the gappie might potentially be Jewish. According to Ursula, I repel dick so she thinks I have terrible fashion sense and apparently, she says, he does too so we can totally be a great couple. He seems very nice, and stood behind me in the line. I was being extra as usual( but not in the way Ling Ling thinks) to show off my amazing sense of personality and humour, which of course LL doesn't have. But then again, LL doesn't have many things and I think 'not being a dick' is definitely one.

Watching the hangover now. Is super great. All in all a great day. Brunch was fun and had MCD for dinner. Slept for most of day. Talked to Tammy and called Mom. Time to get flirting! Jokes, it'll probably end super awkwardly but hey, at least I tried.


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