
Showing posts from January, 2016

The Second Coming?

So, I did it; 'it' being signing up for Christian Fellowship. I don't know why I did exactly- but the first meeting/sermon ended up being quite entertaining. Mr X's talk was on sexual immorality, sex and uh, some other things... I'm still not really sure what the conclusion of that was. I think the gist of it was somewhere along the lines of 'sex before marriage is forbidden by the Bible'/what Adam did before Eve is anyone's guess so .... is okay?? Plus, interestingly enough this girl called, well let's call her Yik Kheng who lives in my house is pretty weird. I mean she's nice enough to my friends, especially McKenna and Peggy but with me, she's just so aggressively neutral that its become borderline aggressive. I don't dislike her but it just doesn't make sense? I mean she didn't even say thank you when I passed her stuff- I don't know if she doesn't like me or if she's just awkward around people she doesn't k

Decision Impossible

After very careful consideration (read: overthinking,)  I have come to a decision that I want to read PPE at University. My logic being (well, logic!) was that the course particularly appealed to me, and even if I didn't like it I could always change to pure Economics. Danke schon.

Don't dump it: Does Trump have a point?

Tariffs can be considered the economic buzzword of the 21st century. Thus, it should come as no surprise that Donald Trump claimed that tariffs and free trade were perfectly compactible, after condemning Chinese steel producers for 'dumping' cheap, excess, subsidised steel in the market. While this statement was politically genius (we hate China but trade is good), it is an excellent example of how tariffs are often misunderstood in the name of poor economics. First, let us define what tariffs are; tariffs, often called import duties, are taxes on imports. 'Dumping' simply means to sell a good for less than the cost of production. Therein lies the problem; does Trump have a legitimate point? Should China be condemned for essentially fully supporting and subsidising its relatively infantile but no doubt burgeoning steel industry? Some might argue that it is totally within a country's sovereignty to help its country's industry; but then again isn't it

Dear Me? console.log("awesome");

Javascript will become me. The quote of 2016.

The Punjabi Boy next door

" For the female of the species is more deadly than the male."- Rudyard Kipling Is it not true that in many relationships, one person doesn't belong there? That one half of a whole got lucky, didn't actually deserve the other. There was one boy who I'd liked for a while, and I imagined if we ever were in a relationship, I would be the lucky one- the undeserving one. He was perfect, and I am not saying this to be poetic or melancholic, it's because he literally was. Tall, handsome, smart and he wanted to do medicine. I think his parents must have struck a lottery with him! We were discussing marriages with my grandparents and I don't think I could bear getting married to someone I didn't completely love or worse, someone I couldn't respect.

Coding, Harry Potter's philosophy and the economics of the Hunger Games

This holiday has been immensely fun and gratifying and as it draws to a close, I have decided to give studying a break and dip a toe into the vast, exciting world that is coding. I have also downloaded a paper on philosophy in Harry Potter and I think its wonderful so far. Will look at Joseph Stieglitz's 'Globalization'.