
attn: all international students, bcc:

 no one comprehends your loneliness you who are suspended// between// two countries, hanging in flux in time and space, digitally exiled and yet equally plugged in. You know all the hot issues in the US election, and yet you cannot vote,  you know next to nothing about the politics of your own country. Foreign student, all greased up with idioms and chicken soup, shiny and slick with the heavy hopes of your family for that Coveted Big U.S. Degree to hang on a wall, to continue upwards and outwards.  you return home halfway through a semester,  not in disgrace but in haste, fleeing the advance of a virus you don't understand-  no one does, don't worry.  C'est la vie. This is life. Fuck, i am both mature for my years, and an imbecile in other ways. I know how to set up a La Grange equation, i cannot boil an egg. I am fool and foolish, I am loved and beloved, america is as distant as a dream, i can't believe i used to walk down its Boston streets and eat turkey ham and pul


 i want to sallow you whole, i want to kiss you, become you- i want to possess you,  to be everything and anything that defines you. Is this love? Is this love? Is this murder of the Self subjugated to One's lover- how could I love someone as much as I loved myself ; i don't know how to separate you from me we are two-egg beings, Yin Yang he is and he isn't embrace me , my love taste the sun on my lips and feel the sway of my hips

the corner store

  so the Girl played proletariat in the high morning, and decried Amazon and Jeff Bezos as late stage capitalism and so the Girl in the afternoon began to read Edward Said and decried the evils of self-orientalizing in this day-n-age. the Girl in the evening began to turn off the aircon and decried it as polluting the environment the Girl for supper did not have any meat or milk and decried the cruelty of separating mother from calf. but the Girl for dessert had unethical ice cream where minimum wage was not paid, but the Girl ordered her Converse and her H&M fastfashion from sweatshop workers in BangladeshVietnamYouNameIt but the Girl ordered textbooks on Amazon! but the Girl had a Dell childlabor laptop! but the Girl ate foie gras! but the Girl denied everything- "for there is no ethical consumption under Capitalism" the Girl said. 

confessional pt 2

The happiest day i drink teh tarik in the morning and read the newspaper the sun is gently shining, the house is quiet but not silent a good book writing a script

confessional / manifesting

friends who love and cherish me always a loving, funny partner who desires me, kind and well-read and treats me with respect a healthy, happy family a job <3

liberation and jeans

You were ashes to ashes dust to dust, my dearest, brown girl skin glistening; listen from what i was borne i will return to; the snake chases it tail and created the world- a never ending loop of karma, rebirth and glory, Mother Mary and her son both holy you light the candle in the many houses of one God. i seek the light and freedom from jealousy, i venture to many lands, begging and seeking succor, but little did i know the biggest journey comes from within. The Wheel of Life spins ten gurus within and without the wonderous lives  i want to understand, the spirituality, the one  path, but is there one path? I apologize for being jealous- I apologize for  not taking responsibility, I apologize for the  ego and the mundane way i threw your name  about dear Lord, but blind faith is a journey the wheel of Life continues to spin the mortal i am i put my jeans on and continue the journey within.

tidak bertajuk

i want to turn my heart inside out for you to see and swim in the warm south china sea with you and go watch the fisherman reel in their catch with you ketam ikan keli ikan bawal sotong and run my fingers through the sand i want to show you my heart and walk through georgetown with you marvel at pre world war two shophouses and the Masjid Kapitan Keling and taste the flavors that abound in this green land of mine and maybe yours