
Showing posts from August, 2017

Domestic Concerns

Lenin is floating down a fucking river, Trump is in the White House, there are people dying more and more, there are bombs and global disagreements and people have started feeling things-in-their-bones again.  I've learnt that I really hate questions. I hate having to listen to them and I definitely despise answering them because everyone likes to think that they've come up with something deep and profound when really it's a regurgitation and rearrangement of what someone else has said.  I don't like facing facts, they're cloying and annoying. No one can get jobs anymore, least of all me. I'm tired and idealistic. I believe in a single payer healthcare system and college-for-all but look where that got Bernie. Most of all, I'm hungry. How did I go so wrong? I started out on a full stomach, and I had good intentions. I wanted to help people now I'm just another blue-collar dispensable fucker with no convictions or concerns besides when I'm go